Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Review of Fearless by Max Lucado

Fearless by Max Lucado
Review as Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger By Nancy Kvamme

Max Lucado’s latest book is “Fearless” reminds us that where there is fear, there cannot be peace; there cannot be happiness; none of the good life that God wishes for each of us. With all of the situations that are going on now, layoffs, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, etc many people are full of fear instead of peace. Since fear and peace cannot exist together. In “Fearless” Max Lucado gives examples using scriptures of ways to choose peace over fear. In most cases the first reflex of most people is fear. The world may be a better place if we found a way to react in faith instead of fear.
Chapters in the book include:
Why Are We Afraid?
The Villagers of Stiltsville
God’s Ticked off at Me
Woe, Be Gone
My Child Is in Danger
I’m Sinking Fast
There’s a Dragon in My Closet
This Brutal Planet
Make-Believe Money
Scared to Death
Caffeinated Life
The Shadow of a Doubt

“Fearless” is a refreshing look at how we can look at current times with peace instead of fear. One quote from the book is “The abundance of possessions has a way of eclipsing God no matter how meager the possessions may be. There is a predictable progression from poverty to pride.”
“If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity or doubt, what would remain? Envision the day when you can trust more and fear less.”
The book concludes with a Discussion Guide with questions from each of the chapters.

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