Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Clearing Clutter to Save Money

In one sense by clearing clutter and being organized you can save money. If you have things organized and in certain places, you know what you have. How many times have you had to go out and buy something and then later found the same item in your home. Also, with articles of clothing if you have too much clutter you may forget what you have and go buy an idential item.

One suggestion I have heard of is to have 3 boxes or bags on hand. label them, "toss", "donate", "keep". Start with one room and start picking out 27-30 things and put in the correct bag. There is a new book, throw out fifty things by Gail Blanke with the suggestion of throwing out 50 things.

Also, if you have a lot of clutter and unorganized items, it may take longer to find items you are looking for and you waste time, you could be using to do something else.

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