Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Recap of the book "The Power of Half"

The Power of Half by Hannah and Kevin Salwen

Following is a short recap of The Power of Half, I have not read the book yet, but saw them interviewed on the Dave Ramsey Show tonight.

The Power of Half is a book by a daughter and her father. In 2006, when Hannah was 14 on the way home from a sleep over she noticed looking in one direction, a homeless man and the next direction was a man in a Mercedes. She told her father, if the man in the Mercedes didn’t have such a nice car, the homeless man could have a meal. Her father, said also if they didn’t have such a nice car.

Later that evening Hannah was getting upset about the situation and her mother asked “what do you want to do, sell the house?” And she said “Yes”. And they did.

They sold their house, bought one half the size and donated ½ the profits to a charity. They also try to donate half of their income to charities.

The book also talks about how to get your children involved in volunteering and donating to charities.

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