Friday, June 25, 2010

Seeing Stars in Moorhead

Another affordable and educational outing is a trip to the MSU Planetarium. The planetarium is located at 11th Street and 8th Ave. South on the MSUM campus in Bridges Hall #167, in Moorhead, MN.

The planetarium simulates the night sky. It can show the sky from any location on the Earth, now or thousands of years in the past of future. The planetarium offers approximately five different shows for the general public each year. Groups may choose the current public show or one from the planetarium’s growing collection of shows. Most of the shows are about 45 minutes long, except for shows designed for pre-schoolers which run 20-25 minutes.

Summer shows are Thursday nights at 7:00. Starting in September they have shows at 2:00 on Sundays and Thursday nights at 7:00.
The next show, Red River Skies: Our Moon starts July 1st and runs through July 29, Thursdays at 7:00 pm. The Full Moons of summer ride low in the sky. They often appear larger than the Full Moon at other times of the year. Come and learn more about our closest neighbor-its phases, features and lore and learn how to use a star map to identify summer stars and constellations.

General Admission $3
Children (12 & under) $1.50
Seniors (65 years and older) $1.50

You can also schedule a group showing, for school group or other group. This would be a great outing for a Boy Scout or Girl Scout group. Cost for groups is $1.00 for students and $2.00 for adults. School groups, the teachers and chaperones are admitted for free. Minimum group cost is $20.

I have been to the Planetarium a couple of times. It is a fun activity which is also educational.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Money Activity Book - Free Download

Have a World of Fun Learning about Money Activity Book
ING DIRECT has extended the Planet Orange Activity Books I & II for parents! The books were originally created for schools, teachers and educators. But the response has been overwhelming ING is offering it to individuals also!

Activity Book II is completed and Activity Book I, is in the final stages and will be here in mid July.

Planet Orange Activity Book II incorporates reading, writing, and higher-level math into more advanced lessons about money. Lessons include: budgeting, paychecks, and pay stubs, deposit slips and checks and the fundamentals of investing.
Planet Orange Activity Book I is for those just beginning to learn about money. It incorporates addition, subtraction, word problems, creative writing and simple activities, which reinforce the vocabulary and basics of money and finances.

These books are designed for kids in 1st – 3rd for Book I and 4th -6th grade for book II. They have not put a grade level on any of the books due to the fact that there are many people that were never taught these valuable lessons and they do not want to limit the amount of kids they can educate.

So in fact, even though the illustrations are on the younger side, these books can be used as a guide to teach just about anyone :)

If you are interested in receiving the book, you have two options…
One is to access.pdf>click here for the free download of Book II. It's a large file, but just give it some time to download and your child will have a wonderful activity to do through out the summer.

Or if you would like the soft cover book, just pay for shipping and we can mail you the book! click here to order

Monday, June 14, 2010

Stretching your Grocery Dollars with Angel Food Ministries

Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational organization dedicated to providing food relief and financial support to communities throughout the United States. There are no qualifications, minimums, income restrictions, or applications.

The The Signature Box contains items to assist in feeding a family of 4 for a week, which is $30. The retail price of the items is estimated at approximately $60. There are also other boxes you can order such as meat, fruit and convenience meals that only need to be heated.

Everyone is encouraged to participate. Some churches even encourage participants to apply the money they saved to help someone else in need.

The orders and distribution are handled by church host sites. Orders are collected by the host sites during the first part of each month. These orders are then turned in to the Angel Food main office in Monroe, Georgia, on a predetermined date. About a week later the food is delivered to the host location for distribution.

The local host site is Metropolitan Baptist Church, 2612 25th St S, Fargo, and is sponsored by First Lutheran. The online order deadline for June orders is Sunday, June 20, 11:59 pm Eastern Time. Order pickup is Saturday, June 26 12:01 pm to 1:15 pm local time.

I have not personally used the service but have heard about people using it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Genius and Purpose Workshops

Genius and Purpose Workshops scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, June 23 & 24 (9 am to 4 pm) at the Wingate Inn in Fargo.

The Genius and Purpose Workshops, based on the book Is Your Genius At Work? by Dick Richards, provide a wonderful opportunity for participants to dig deeper into their own effectiveness and awareness to learn more about themselves. Through interaction with others in small groups and pairs, along with facilitation by Dick himself.
On Day One in the 4th Annual Fargo Genius Workshop, Dick skillfully guides participants through a process of discovering their genius, that part of each of us that is inevitably linked to our work and career but lies behind the experience and talents catalogued in our resumes. Day Two (the Purpose Workshop) takes the Genius Workshop one step further, and concentrates on Life Purpose, which allows you to be more intentional and effective in fulfilling it, and that purpose gives focus to a life. Day One is a Prerequisite for Day Two.

Registration for Day 1 is $150 and Day 2 is $100, both days for $225.
For more information or to register, contact Jodee at

Friday, June 11, 2010

NAWBO Chapter Forming in Area

Under the sponsorship of US Bank, a steering committee is starting a local chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners.

NAWBO is an organization which works to: STRENGTHEN the wealth-creating capacity of our members and promote economic development; CREATE innovative and effective changes in the business culture; BUILD strategic alliances, coalitions, and affiliations; and TRANSFORM public policy and influence opinion.

They are planning on having meetings the 3rd Thursday of each month. The first meeting will be an Achievement Luncheon, which is a time to learn and socialize, on Thursday, June 17th from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. New members are asked to arrive at 11:30 for the Membership Welcome. The meeting will be at the Courtyard by Marriott in Moorhead. The cost is $15 for members and $30 for non-members. The speaker for the event is Missy Ohe of the Ohepen Mind.

They request guests to bring work appropriate clothing donations for Dress for Success and Clothing Connections. Clothing donations will be accepted on an ongoing basis at all local US Bank locations.

If you have any questions about memberships or applications, contact Natalie at

Thursday, June 10, 2010

You Can Learn to Be Good With Money

One of the things I hear people say about finances is that they have never been good with money. One reason is it is one thing many of us were not taught when growing up. It’s the same as when you trying learning other things, just do a little at a time. I feel it is important for us to learn about finances and to teach children how to manage finances before they get out of school.
One of the first things is to track your expenses. For at least a week, keep track of everything you spend money on. Either keep a small notebook with you and write down each expense or keep your receipts and write them down each night. At the end of the week, take a look at what you spent your money on and see if there are any expenses you can cut out.
Once you have an idea of how much you spend on the different categories, it is easier to work on a budget. Most people think of a budget as a shackle. But having a budget you are controlling your money instead of your money controlling you. Start by listing your income and then list your fixed expenses that you need to pay each month. Once you subtract your fixed expenses from your income, you can see what you have left to spend on other items.
It is also important to save some each month also. If you have an emergency fund saved, when unexpected things happen, you can use that money instead of going into credit card debt.
One resource to get information and to hear stories from people who have conquered debt is The Dave Ramsey Show at 7 – 10 PM weeknights on WDAY AM 970.