Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's How you Look at Things

This past weekend our area experienced our almost yearly flood. After surviving a record flood last year and similar conditions this year, early predictions were for a flood of the same as last year. The river crested about 4 feet below last year’s crest. Over the past year I have been taking steps to think about things differently. Positive thoughts create positive actions. Although things were worse closer to the river and out of town, the atmosphere in the city seemed different than last year.

The same principle can be applied to the state of the economy. Even though there are a lot of people who are unemployed and are in dire straits. There are a lot of people that think it is worse than it really is because of the way they think about it. If you listen to all of the hype in the media about how bad everything is, you are going to start to believe it.

I have not been paying much attention to the news and have had opportunities coming in many different ways.

So one way to change your life may be to change the way you look at life.

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